Friday, February 25, 2011

I'm Working On...

This blog post idea yoinked from the very talented Ali Edwards!  I love it so thought I'd do something similar!

I'm Working on...trying not to get stressed about the upcoming soccer season and the gong show that may ensue.

I'm Working Project Life album which although I am slightly behind on it due to circumstances beyond my control, I am loving it!  Going to a friend's house tomorrow to scrap and this is what I will be working on!

I'm Working on...trying to be a more patient mother.  It's not always a successful endeavor!

I'm Working on...the blogs that I follow in Google Reader.  I got quite behind (600+ posts) due again to circumstances beyond my control.  Catching up slowly.  There are some real gems in there!

I'm Working on...watching every single episode of Modern Family that has been made!  Hubby and I discovered this show late last fall and we are loving it.  Since Frasier, we needed a good comedy to brighten up our lives and this is it!

I'm Working on...planning my daughter's 11th birthday party and this after I thought we were done with birthday parties.  Apparently not.  She will come to know that This. Will. Be. It. well at least until she's 16 anyways.

I'm Working on...the last hour of my workday until the weekend!  Hurry clock, hurry!  Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

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