Over at the Sisterhood, they are starting a new challenge! I sooooo need this challenge or I need something to get me back onto the road, on the bike, back in it, whatever you want to call it *and* to keep me motivated.
First, February happened and with that came the Olympics of which I was obsessed and a major couch potato! In our house, we love the Olympics and watch as much of it as humanly possibly. Olympics+Couch Potato=No exercise.
When March came in like a lion, it was a pretty lazy lion! Not much exercising, snacking and then a vacation. It wasn't pretty. I knew I was forming some bad habits but couldn't seem to get out of my rut.
And now its April. I've been better getting more exercise since it appears to be spring but...we just got a puppy and she's a tremendous amount of work right now but she is motivating in that she needs to be walked so this is good. When I'm ready to throttle her, she can motivate me, nu?
So as May begins, I will endeavor to get back to some of my good habits that I was forming! And that will be hard, I tell you. Soccer has started so for my daughter that is 3 times a week at least and my son plays twice a week (both play on Tuesday nites, gotta love that) and throw a puppy into the mix, life should be interesting.
Opening Weight: 120.4 lbs. Quite honestly, I am floored that since I haven't weighed myself in 57 days but my weight has not changed! This is good, this is good!
My habits.
1. Spend at least 15-30 mins daily tidying up.
2. 30 mins minimum of exercise a day
3. Eliminate night time snacking
So glad to see you back! WOOT!
That is so awesome that you haven't had a gain at all! You are doing something right, hooker!!!
Love your goals, and I know you'll be able to stick to them. Congrats on the new puppy!!
I would KILL to be 120 lbs. LOL One day, maybe!! :D Have a good challenge!
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My Weight Loss Blog
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