Well we have come to the end of another journey, another challenge and all I can say is Wow! So pleased for myself and for everyone's achievements over at the Sisterhood! I'll save the waxing poetic for Friday for my Monday Project!
I started this challenge on Dec 30 2009 at 125.7 lbs
I'm finishing this challenge on Feb 10 2010 at 121 lbs
Loss of 4.7 lbs
I am happy with this as you only get what you give and I could have given more but that's another story for another time!
So its time for the world to come together! Bring on the Olympics!! Its on my home soil and I am so stoked! For those that don't know, I am a huge Olympic nut and watch as much as I can. In Nagano, I was up at 4 am to see Canada play its first hockey game! I watched Adam van Koeverden (did I mention the eye candy appeal, nu?) at some crazy early time during the Summer Olympics, watched Sandra Schmirler bring home the gold so many moons ago in the wee hours of the morning...the list goes on and I will be there in the coming weeks to cheer, yell, scream and cry as I see our athletes make us proud! Go Canada Go!!
And....and the Olympics at the Sisterhood!!! I canna wait!
Congrats on the weight loss! I think you've done a great job. I look forward to our next challenge.
WOW!! you ROCK! that is seriously a wonderful loss for the challenge, woohoo!! can't wait till the olympics either, both types! i get all teary-eyed just hearing the music!
You are an Olympics nut, that's for sure!
You are an awesome, hooker!!! I'm so proud of your loss. WOW!
The Olympics are so fun. I love watching them, too and can't decide if I like winter or summer better!
Congrats on the loss for this challenge!!
Awesome job on the loss!! I can't wait fo the Olympics either!! We are big hockey fans here so will be watching hockey day and night!!
Terrific loss for the challenge!!
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