My husband plays rec hockey for a team called the Haze and every year one of his teammates hosts an event called Haze-A-Palooza and its usually held on the same day as CBC's Hockey Day in Canada! They play sponge hockey, drink beer, watch hockey, drink more beer, enjoy the hot tub, eat fatty food and drink more beer...you know, the usual guy type of stuff!
Our daughter had an evening soccer game so due to the lateness of the game, hubby wasn't going to the event until well after 9 pm so he decided to bring munchies as his contribution as any appetizer type foods would be long ago eaten and probably not wanted!
Cue his return a few hours later *with* said munchies! All of them. A big bag of chips, a bag of Greek chips (mmmmm....Greek), popcorn twists and another bag of Mrs Vickie's chips.
And here's me whining "Why didn't you leave the snacks there??" I don't care that they didn't need them, better them than us! Needless to say, I find it hard to say no to the Greek chips and I ripped that bag open right then and there and so given all this, its no surprise today that my weigh in was less than stellar and I am up 1.1 lbs to 123.7.
Now really, I'm not blaming my husband or his hockey buddies. They didn't shovel the chips into my mouth, that was all me and I'll be the first to admit it! I'm a sucker for salty snacks, what can I say? (I haven't been ripping open the other bags of snacks though so I'm glad for that). I just need to remember "mind over matter" and if I do, then I'm good.
I did take some measurements the other day though and its been awhile since I've done that.
Hips - 39", Waist - 32" and Chest - 34 1/2". My last measurements are buried deep within the bowels of My Fitness Coach and I can see the graph bars, but not the actual numbers! I'm going to measure in a couple of weeks to see where I'm at
Gah, what is it with salty snacks! That's me too!!! And I'm perfectly fine until I actually see them. Next week, for the both of us!!
Salty snacks can be my downfall too. I also try not to have them in the house so I don't fall for temptation. You could blame your hubbie though if it makes you feel better, I won' tell.=)
Why do women "need" salty snacks so much?? Sounds like you are really using will power with all of them in the house. I would probably have to get them out of the house!! Gotta love hockey!!
Next week will be your week, I know it!
I feel ya! But, the sisterhood is all about forgiveness! Everyday is a new day! We live and learn! You'll do better next week.
salty is my weakness too. i'm afraid of the same thing happening to me at the super bowl party this weekend. i always bring velveeta chili dip and tortilla chips, and its been requested again this year.
Those dang salty snacks. I'm really bad at eating stuff just because it's there, too. Don't worry. We've all been there!
Good luck this week!
I should have left the mega bag of Ruffles at the event for sure. Oh well, this weekend will be the usual Super Bowl debacle.
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