Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Crutch Boy, Wagon Rides, and Weigh-Ins, Oh My!

Twas a beautiful weekend here in Winnipeg in November...which I didn't get to enjoy much of. Saturday kept me inside with kids indoor activities, ending off with my son injuring his right leg/knee....which landed us in the clinic on Sunday for a somewhat fast diagnosis of a sprained ligament. Um, really?? Needless to say my nice walk opportunity flew out the window.

Monday turned out to be a beautiful day and I wasn't letting a boy on crutches stop me from enjoying this day so I loaded him up into a wagon, (all 55lbs of him) which I felt silly doing since he's 6 years old, and gave him his sister's iPod and grabbed the camera and off we went. St Vital Park was busy on this day (and I will only mention once how shameful I find it that so many people leave their leaves at the curb....but I digress...). It was good to get out, even though I got the "when are we going back" more times than I cared to hear.

Tuesday I found it hard to haul my butt out of bed to do a morning workout but when I came home, I tackled Bob's Boot Camp video and then later I did a 20 minute walk/run! Felt great and was confident about my weigh in Wednesday morning.....

...and crash and burn! I weighed in this morning at +2.4lbs!!!! WHAT??? I need a new scale. WTF is that? I'm pretty sure its screwing with my head and simply doesn't want me to get below 130lbs. I'm deflated and defeated but feel more motivated than ever. Bring it on and so far today, I've done just that, walking over 6 miles! Here's to more miles and the Globetrotter Challenge!

1 comment:

Q! said...

What a goombah that boy is!