Thursday, October 29, 2009


So yeah, I didn't do a weigh in yesterday so I did it this morning after my EA Sports Active workout. I'm at 130.1 which is -2 from my previous weight from Monday. Every little bit helps so I'm happy with this. Also instead of sitting on my butt last night, I did some exercising, burning over 100 calories between Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active. Yay me.

Tonight's the big Halloween Dance at school and I don't know if I should be looking forward to it or dreading it. Its family oriented which is great but I always end up with a crying kid for some reason or another. It usually centers around not winning something but this year there's no silent auction (phew!) so that's one less thing to cry about. And if I have to explain one more time that not everyone can win the spot dances, I might just blow.

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