Over at the Sisterhood, the Monday Project this week is to toot our own horns and list at least 5 reasons why we totally rock! And I don't mean to blast my own horn too much but I Rock, Roll, *and* Boulder and here's why!
#1 - I'm a Mom and it is the most important job in the world, I don't care what anyone says. It is also the job that is the most thankless so for this I RAWK! All you Mom's out there deserve a huge pat on the back. Pat your own back if you have too, I just did!
#2 - I make people laugh with my very sarcastic sense of humor. Quite often at my own expense, too. I was never a class clown but I do enjoy people chuckling with me. It does take less muscles to smile than it does to frown! For this, I ROLL!
#3 - I'm a good friend and will always be there for my friends, no matter what and for this, I BOULDER!!
#4 - I'm not perfect and will be the first to admit I have my faults but I refuse to stay stagnant and I'm always trying to learn or improve my self in some way. I think its important to show my kids that they are never too old to learn and improve!
#5 - I'm short, cute and spunky and I'm ME and for that I definitely RAWK, ROLL, *and* BOULDER!!
Love your list this week, hooker! It's awesome! And yes, you are funny, and I enjoy laughing with you, even if it is online! Can you hear me giggling all the way from Texas? I hope so!
Moms totally rock. Not that non-moms don't, but being a mom is hard and, like you said, thankless at times.
Have a great day!
i <3 spunky!! :)
I love it!! great list!! and yes, being a mom just rocks some amazing stuff!
You most certainly do rock babe!
Great list and funny too!
Great list! this is the first I've been to your blog, but I definitely think you RAWK after posting that!
Thanks everyone!!
You totally rock!
Its so funny, I forgot the mom part on my list. So true!
I love your list! :)
I love your list!! I totally agree -- there's nothing that makes us better than being a mom!!
You are awesome!!
Let's hear it for the short, spunky girls! Great list!
Love your list! You rawk!
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